Application deadline: July 31
American Workers Association (AWA) awards scholarships of $500 each to students who are pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees in business-related fields and who meet the criteria listed below. Awards are based on grade point average and extracurricular activities. All requested information must be received by the Scholarship Committee before your application will be considered. Be sure to complete both sides of the application before submission, and please print clearly.
Click the button below to fill out an online AWA Scholarship Application
Scholarship Requirements:
1. You must be either: a) AWA Member whose membership is current and has been in good standing for the past 6 consecutive months; or b) spouse or child (28 years or younger) of an AWA Member whose membership is current and has been in good standing for the past 6 consecutive months.
2. You must have a 3.0 or higher cumulative Grade Point Average at your current educational facility (high school or college) and you must be pursuing study in a business-related field. You must be able to show your GPA to the AWA Scholarship Committee by e-mailing, faxing or mailing current educational facility-generated documents.
Applicant Checklist:
Scholarship Applications will not be considered without the additional information listed below. It can be e-mailed, faxed or mailed as attachments with your application. If sent separately, be sure to identify each item with your name and phone number.
(Please check off each item as you complete it.)
- A brief essay about why you feel you deserve an AWA Scholarship. Include your educational goals.
- Two letters of recommendation. One letter should be from a teacher or administrator.
- Your high school and/or college transcript. Please send grades from the semester prior to the semester for which you are applying.
- A list of all your extracurricular activities and clubs.
- Any other information you feel is pertinent to your being considered for this scholarship.
Send Information to:
Note: Recipients of AWA Scholarship Program funds may be advised to these proceeds based on applicable state and federal income tax rulings.
If You Get An Award
If you win an award, you will be required to provide a letter
at the end of your scholarship period to update the
selection committee on your academic progress and/or
enhancement of your skills.
By applying for a scholarship, you agree that if an award is
granted, your name and the name of the university you
attend may be made public for promotional purposes.